Товарный знак


Planning and management system for capital construction projects


Acceleration Digital Construction Management (ADCM) is a planning system for capital construction projects based on comparative analysis, computer vision and artificial intelligence.
Examples of heat maps of personnel and machinery activity on the construction site
Example of 360 photo segmentation and detection of building materials and structural elements

The system is used for:

  • automated planning of capital construction projects based on comparative analysis of historical data using graph theory methods
  • automatic monitoring of the progress of capital construction projects using computer vision

ADCM provides:

  • increased efficiency and accuracy of planning
  • reduction of costs needed for developing detailed schedules
  • reduction of costs needed for analysis of projects indicators
  • optimization of project’s implementation time
Example project overview
In addition to innovative modules, the total functionality of the system covers classical processes, such as working with project documentation, working with as-built documentation, budgeting, settlements with contractors, acceptance of work performed, organizational workflow, etc.

The system consists of the following modules:



information portal to manage all aspects of the system


module for storing and displaying photo and video images, including support for 360-degree cameras
computer vision module for analyzing photo and video images (including 360) in order to determine the activity of personnel and equipment, as well as recognition of structural materials and installed technical elements




module for creating analytical reports



module for integration of third-party systems (for example, Primavera and Pilot)
automated software and hardware complex for collecting photos and videos from construction sites
automated planning module (creation of schedules)
enterprise resource planning module

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office address:
3 Stolyarny lane, bld 13, office 11, Moscow, 123022​, Russia